Cosgrove Kitchen 2024
Some may recall.
Over half a decade ago, we were lamenting the fact that we didn't spend more time with friends. Laziness kept us from getting things on the schedule. So, we decided to try something weird: the following year, 2019, we planned to make ourselves available for dinner every Friday evening. Then, we set up a website where our friends could pick a date that worked for them. We were unsure how our friends would feel about being subjected to booking us like a restaurant, but it appears they—you—were not offended.
I don’t have statistics on hand, because again, ☝️ lazy, but I think almost every single Friday was booked that year, except for a weekend or two that we were out of town.
We couldn’t wait for another great year of Cosgrove Kitchen in 2020!
[insert tasteful pandemic joke]
It’s now five years after our original experiment, and we’re doing it again. Things have changed. Our two-year-old son is a seven-year-old. Our non-existent daughter now definitely exists and is four. Our dogs are almost an entirely different pack. We’re at a new house. And we’re all ready to serve you dinner and some drinks. Book a day below and come on by. We’re looking forward to seeing you!